Rebuild the farms, regenerate the seas, create an economic flywheel for generations
Plow over the exposed beaches, to bury salts and chemicals.
Create furrows to trap blown dust in order to reduce windborne particles.
Import water to offset evaporative losses and stop the decline in sea level.
Without removal of salts, the salinity levels inexorably rise leaving the waters inhospitable to fish and wildlife.
Import water, and pump out the brine to reduce salinity, creating a trophic cascade as nature returns and the ecosystem rebuilds and restores the shores.
Fish and wildlife return in abundance.
Wildlife and residents flee as the environment degrades, leaving the region economically depressed and devoid of a future
Imported water stabilizes the soils, and staves off economic collapse.
The region remains unattractive to live in, however mining and geothermal industries attract migratory workers with decent jobs
A rejuvenated ecological gem in the desert draws massive investment in tourism, real estate and recreation.
Land prices skyrocket and the region reaps a windfall for generations as an economic flywheel is set in motion