Our Mission

To leverage the Silicon Valley ethos and underutilized innovations to develop new solutions for deadlocked environmental challenges that impact the core human needs for  food and water.

Our Approach

We aim to be guilty of thinking too big, rather than too small.

As physicists, mathematicians, technologists & engineers from Silicon Valley, we intend to introduce unorthodox insights and solutions the establishment has thus far lacked, to solve for decades of inaction.

Leveraging technological breakthroughs to unlock completely novel approaches, we aim to introduce a new paradigms  to massively transform our planet at an ecosystem level.

INFRASTRUCTURE: Key advances in tunnel boring economics offer a path previously unavailable - a subterranean approach agnostic to terrain, mitigating lands rights & rights of way issues, while offering profoundly improved capital and operational economics.

TECHNIQUES: Desert farming technologies like "seawater greenhouses" or "seawater coolhouses" have languished on the fringes. We believe these can bring the desert to life, and unleash a freshwater abundance

PRODUCTS: Water is life. Yet the lack of a market has denied it the price it deserves for the scarce commodity it is.
We intend to create a water market that enables market forces to drive the efficiencies and investment that can enable farmers to sell a new product IN ADDITION to crops: water.

We intend to set in motion a positive trophic cascade by attacking the root causes of dead seas and communities.


Step into the arena with us!